Is it good to have GPS in dash cam

Is it Good to Have GPS in a Dash Cam? A Personal Perspective

GPS technology has transformed our lives, seamlessly integrating into various devices like smartphones, tablets, watches, and even dash cams. Its applications range from navigation and tracking to mapping and velocity measurement. As someone who values thorough evaluation before adopting new gadgets, I delved into the advantages and disadvantages of having GPS in a dash cam….

Does your insurance go down if you have a dash cam

Does Your Insurance Go Down If you Have a Dash Cam?

It is possible that having a dash cam could potentially lower your car insurance premiums. Dash cams can provide evidence in the event of a car accident, which could help to resolve disputes and potentially lower the risk of fraudulent claims. We’ve discovered that some insurance companies offer discounts to policyholders who have dash cams…

How long does a TomTom sat nav battery last

How Long Does a TomTom Sat Nav Battery Last?

TomTom sat navs are popular devices for accurate navigation and real-time updates. However, it’s important to note that sat navs are designed to be connected to the car power outlet for continuous power supply. As a result, the battery life of a TomTom sat nav when used solely on battery power is relatively short. On…

Do Dashcams flatten your battery

Do Dashcams Flatten Your Car Battery? Tips to Avoid It

Dashcams have become a trusted companion for many drivers, bringing a sense of security and providing valuable evidence in the event of accidents. However, one question that often arises is whether dashcams drain your car battery. Here, I’ll share my concerns in detail, and you will benefit from my practical tips to ensure that your…

How do I stop my dashcam from overheating

How Do I Stop My Dashcam from Overheating?

Many dash cams are prone to overheat, and if not properly addressed, they can even pose a risk of explosion. The reason dash cam overheat is that they consume continuous power from the car battery and record continuous video throughout the drive and even while in parking, which makes them prone to overheating, and it…